Ensure your product success and ROI:
Find the right
product-market fit

Benefit from our expertise and experience from 100+ supported start-ups, scale-ups and corporate ventures.

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Optimize your product-market fit with us

From sales push to customer pull

Product-Market Fit (PMF) - trivial at first glance, but actually multi-layered and absolutely critical to success:

Marketing & Sales without sufficient PMF is as tough as chewing gum, a fight against windmills - with PMF the knot bursts, the business scales!

Product-Market Fit takes you from expensive sales push to high-yield customer pull.

Product-Market Fit

Studies by CB Insights and HTGF show: A lack of PMF is the most common reason why start-ups fail. Make your product a “must-have” for your customers with us.

Logo CB Insights Logo High-Tech Gründerfonds HTGF

Are you facing one of these problems with your product?

Not sure whether your new product meets the needs of the market?

Do you have a promising product, but it's not selling well?

Do you want to scale your product but don't know how to go about it?

We work with you to find the optimum product-market fit.

That is our promise to you:

We make the components
of PMF transparent!

We make PMF
measurable & controllable for you!

We work with you to turn your product into a “must-have” and “I-love-it” for your customers!

With our help you can:

  • understand your target groups and your competition precisely.
  • align your product development precisely to this.
  • position your product optimally on the market.
  • develop an effective go-to-market strategy.
  • successfully scale your product and achieve long-term success.

Set the course for your success in good time!

We are experts in helping start-ups and companies to achieve and continuously optimize product-market fit. With the experience of 100+ accompanied start-ups, scale-ups and corporate ventures and a large contact network with experts for all special questions in individual PMF projects.

We are your product-market fit consultants!

Arrange a free initial
consultation today!

What exactly are our services for you?

product-market fit analysis

In a joint workshop, we carry out a targeted inventory with you to analyze, measure and review your PMF.

We work with you to develop ideas and specific starting points for improving your PMF.

A professional preparation and follow-up of the workshop are of course included.

PMF workshop
at a fixed price

Arrange a free initial consultation!

product-market fit strategy

In a joint strategy project, we work with you to develop your individual roadmap for achieving an optimal PMF.

The starting point and basis is the joint PMF workshop.

With the help of in-depth technology, product, customer and competitor analysis, we develop your individual PMF strategy with you, which can be implemented directly.

Concept for PMF optimization
at a fixed price

Arrange a free initial consultation!

product-market fit solution

In a joint implementation project, we develop, implement and monitor your optimal PMF solution with you.

The starting point and basis is the individually developed PMF strategy.

We support you in the realization of every single point of your new PMF strategy on the technology, product, marketing and sales side.

Individual, customized
PMF project

Arrange a free initial consultation!

What are the benefits for your organization?

Greatly reduced risk and improved return
for your investments in new products and in the further development of existing products

better products,
more sales success,
happier customers,
more turnover & profitability,
more motivated team,
higher employee loyalty

More precisely:
More leads | shorter lead time | better conversion rate | higher customer satisfaction or customer success | better customer retention rate or less churn | better up-selling & cross-selling | better ratio of customer acquisition costs (CAC) to customer lifetime value (CLV)

Who can benefit the most?

Medium-sized companies and corporations,
that want to sustainably improve the ROI of their existing & new products

Startup accelerator and scaling programs,
who want to make their startups and their products successful

who want to scale and internationalize their product business with venture capital

Agencies, system houses and consulting firms,
who want to move from the project business into the product business

Why should you choose us?

Well-known and well-connected in the NRW start-up scene (“the makers of Scale-up.NRW, digi­hub & H2UB”)

Experience with 100+ supported start-ups, scale-ups and corporate ventures and numerous case studies on product-market fit

Previously founded several companies himself and learned about the biggest challenges in product-market fit

Large contact network with specialists for expert tips on product-market fit in individual PMF projects

Many years of experience with product innovations also in the corporate world

Field-tested and proven product-market fit method with its own tool

Product-Market Fit is our passion

… and your PMF success is our motivation.

We are your product-market fit consultants

Arrange a free initial consultation!

Let's talk about how we can find and optimize your product-market fit.

1stMOVER Team

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